星期六, 4月 29, 2006


特別介紹: Bruce Waltke講座


講題:智者看工作與家庭 ( 英語講授,粵語傳譯 )
講員:華爾基博士(Dr. Bruce K. Waltke)



1.題目: 如何教導和宣講智慧文學(箴言為範例)
日期: 2006年5月23日(二)
時間: 10:30 am ~12:30 pm
地點: 恩福中心18樓

2. 題目: 舊約神學精髓
日期: 2006年5月23日(二)
日期: 7:00~9:00 pm
地點: 恩福中心2樓


圖書館有下列Bruce Waltke的著作:

Theological wordbook of the Old Testament / R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., Bruce K. Waltke.

Finding the will of God : a pagan notion? / Bruce Waltke.

An introduction to biblical Hebrew syntax / Bruce K. Waltke and M. O'Connor.

The book of Proverbs / Bruce K. Waltke.

Knowing the will of God / Bruce Waltke with Jerry MacGregor.

Bibliography for Old Testament exegesis and exposition / compiled by Kenneth L. Barker, Bruce K. Waltke, Roy B. Zuck.

Genesis : a commentary / Bruce K. Waltke with Cathi J. Fredricks.

Obadiah : an introduction and commentary / by David W. Baker. Jonah : an introduction and commentary / by T. Desmond Alexander. Micah : an introduction and commentary / by Bruce K. Waltke.

舊約神學辭典 / R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., Bruce K. Waltke 編.

俄巴底亞書, 約拿書, 彌迦書 / 貝克, 亞歷山大, 華奇著 ; 李蕙英譯.

以色列民族史與以色列宗教 / 查爾斯.法伊弗, 布魯斯.沃特基著 ; 林秀娟, 黃振強譯.

The way of wisdom : essays in honor of Bruce K. Waltke / J.I. Packer & Sven K. Soderlund, editors.




Hebrew World

Hebrew World



星期四, 4月 27, 2006



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星期三, 4月 26, 2006



五月份圖書館在以下公眾假期均休息:2006年5月1日、5日及31日。 休館期間,可使用還書箱還書。



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星期二, 4月 25, 2006


好書推介: Max Lucado的暢銷書

恩典百分百 / 路卡杜著 ; 葉嬋芬, 林苑珊譯.
索書號:248.4 LUC 館藏狀態

一個星期五的6小時 / 路卡杜著 ; 邱豔芳,呂底亞譯.
索書號:232.96 LUC 館藏狀態

Come Thirsty/ Max Lucado
Are you a dry sponge? Edgy and rigid? Ineffective? Would you like to be softened up some? Would you like to be more useful in the hands of the One who made you? Then come to the well, says Max Lucado. Scientists assure us that humans can't live without water, and we don't even attempt it. But survival without God? Oh, we sip, we taste, but we're prone to go extended times without a good drink from the well of the Lord. And we pay the price for doing so. We shrink. We coil and re-coil against the world... organs harden... hearts harden. In this renewing and life-giving book, Max Lucado, leads us to the four essential nutrients needed by every soul. Come to the cross and know that your sins are pardoned and your death is defeated. Receive Christ's energy and believe that you can do all things through the one who gives you strength. Receive his Lordship, knowing that you belong to him and that He looks out for you. Receive his love and feel confident that nothing can separate you from it. Come, with Max, to the WELL... to Christ's Work on the cross, his energy, his Lordship and his Love.
索書號:248.4 LUC 館藏狀態

星期一, 4月 24, 2006


作者介紹: Max Lucado

關於麥克斯.路卡杜(Max Lucado )美國最受歡迎的基督徒作家之一,著述豐富,多為暢銷之作,曾獲多次美國基督教福音派出版人聯會「金牌獎」(Gold Medallion Awards,ECPA)。其作品不但有扎實的聖經基礎,更富精彩的想像力,能幫助讀者在平淡、熟悉的事物中探得另一番奧妙,領受更深的真理。除研經、靈修性書籍,作者亦擅長兒童故事寫作。現任德州聖安東尼市的橡樹山基督教會(Oak Hills Church of Christ)牧師,並在全國性廣播節目UpWords擔任主講,廣受歡迎。

資料來源: 校園書房網頁

作者的官方網頁: http://www.maxlucado.com/index.html

星期四, 4月 13, 2006



復活節快樂圖書館在以下公眾假期均休息:2006年4月14日、15日及17日。 休館期間,可使用還書箱還書。
祝 復活節快樂!

星期二, 4月 11, 2006



墓石懸謎 墓石懸謎 : 復活的千古反思 / 莫理遜著 ; 楊信成譯.
索書號:232.97 MOR 館藏狀態

耶穌的受難 耶穌的受難:基督受死的五十個理由 / 約翰.派博著.
索書號:232.96 PIP 館藏狀態

Case for EasterCase for Easter / Lee Strobel.
In this short book, the author outlines overwhelming arguments in favor of the bodily resurrection of Jesus relying on three main areas of evidence: the medical evidence, the absence of a body in the tomb and the eyewitness accounts of His appearances after His death on the cross. Written from his perspective as a journalist and attorney, this book constitutes one of the most powerful and effective apologetic weapons on this theme available to date.
索書號:232.5 STR 館藏狀態