星期六, 9月 23, 2006


作者推介: Bock, Darrell. L

Breaking the Da Vinci Code
Answers to the Questions Everyone's Asking

Darrell L. Bock Ph.D.

Many who have read the New York Times bestseller The Da Vinci Code have questions that arise from seven codes-expressed or implied-in Dan Brown's book. In Breaking the Da Vinci Code: Answers to the Questions Everyone's Asking, Darrell Bock, Ph.D., responds to the novelist's claims using central ancient texts and answers the questions.
索書號: 813.54 BOC館藏狀態

LukeFrom biblical text . . . to contemporary life Written by: Darrell L. Bock
Series: The NIV Application Commentary

Most Bible commentaries take us on a one-way trip from the twentieth century to the first century. But they leave us there, assuming that we can somehow make the return journey on our own. In other words, they focus on the original meaning of the passage but don't discuss its contemporary application. The information they offer is valuable -- but the job is only half done! The NIV Application Commentary Series helps us with both halves of the interpretive task. This new and unique series shows readers how to bring an ancient message into modern context. It explains not only what the Bible means but also how it can speak powerfully today.
索書號:226.4077 B63 1996館藏狀態

國際釋經應用系列.路加福音.平裝The NIV Application Commentary (Luke) 作者/編者 : 達雷爾.博克 (Darrell L. Bock)譯者 : 古志薇、蔡錦圖 簡介 : “國際釋經應用系列”
不但提供聖經中最新而豐富多姿的背景資料,又闡釋當年與今日處境的異同,更著重今天的生活應用,幫助我們作一個有根有基的現代基督徒。本系列每一卷書的每一章,都有 “經文原意”、 “應用原則” 、 “當代應用” 這三部分,分述以上的三個範疇,絕對能滿足現代信徒對聖經的渴慕之心,是個人靈修、主日學、研經及牧者講道的最佳參考.
索書號:226.4077 B6312 2005館藏狀態

星期四, 9月 07, 2006




講題:路加筆下的耶穌 ( 英語講授,粵語傳譯 )
講員:博克教授(Dr. Darrell L. Bock)
地點:恩福中心 2/F 大禮堂,香港九龍長沙灣道789號


一. 善待罪人的主 - 2006年10月19日(四)晚上7:30至9:30
二. 出人意表的主 - 2006年10月20日(五)晚上7:30至9:30
三. 成為福音的主 - 2006年10月21日(六)下午3:00至5:00
四. 助人破解密碼的主 - 2006年10月21日(六)晚上7:30至9:30


  1. Cornerstone biblical commentary.

  2. 路加福音 / 達雷爾.博克著 ; 古志薇, 蔡錦圖譯.(聖經學院圖書館)

  3. Luke / Darrell L. Bock. (Intervasity Press)

  4. The Bible knowledge key word study : the Gospels / editor, Darrell L. Bock.

  5. Luke / Darrell L. Bock. (Zonervan Pub. House)

  6. Jesus according to Scripture : restoring the portrait from the Gospels / Darrell L. Bock.

  7. Studying the historical Jesus : a guide to sources and methods / Darrell L. Bock.

  8. Proclamation From Prophecy And Pattern : Lucan Old Testament Christology / Darrell L. Bock

  9. Three views on the millennium and beyond / Craig A. Blaising, Kenneth L. Gentry, Robert B. Strimple ; Darrell L. Bock, general editor.

  10. Luke / Darrell L. Bock. (Baker Books)

  11. 路加福音 / 達雷爾.博克著 ; 古志薇, 蔡錦圖譯.(教會圖書館)

  12. 密碼在說謊 : 揭開達文西密碼的真相 / Darrell L. Bock著 ; 張偉民譯.

  13. Breaking The Da Vinci code : answers to the questions everyone's asking / Darrell L. Bock.